Eat Chocolate To Lose Weight

Eat Chocolate To Lose Weight

Have you ever wanted to eat chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Well, you might just be able to – okay not quite, but it’s still good news. A new study shows that eating a little chocolate on a regular basis might help you manage your weight. It sounds too...
Amelia’s Pick: The ultimate skipping variations

Amelia’s Pick: The ultimate skipping variations

If you’re looking for the ultimate calorie burner then you better scramble through your childhood play set and get that skipping rope out. This rope can boost up your metabolism, send your heart rate to the moon and pump up your body’s fat burning system...
Amelia’s Pick: Oblique Circuit

Amelia’s Pick: Oblique Circuit

I have a burning oblique set for you that will fire your side abdominals like never before. In this video, we’re working the obliques that will help give you the V-shape and also stay toned under low-rise jeans. There are 4 exercises, 12 reps and 3 sets all...

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