I believe a life filled with purpose is a truly fulfilled life.
My goal is to help people to become healthier, happier
and in control of their health.

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Meet Amelia

Amelia Phillips, Nutritionist & Exercise Scientist (BHSc, MNut)

Hi, I’m Amelia and I’m passionate about helping women lead healthy and fulfilled lives. With over two decades of experience in the health and wellbeing industry, I help women lose weight, lower inflammation & reclaim their energy with personalised, evidence-based strategies.

I’m responsible for the longevity protocols and coaching the participants in the groundbreaking TV show, Do You Want to Live Forever.

I am a registered exercise scientist and nutritionist with a Bachelor of Exercise Science, Post Graduate Certificate in Nutrition and Masters of Human Nutrition.


Wed, 17 July 2024 8 PM – 9 PM AEST

Conquering Low Energy 
and Stubborn Weight

Healthy Her

A podcast series for Mums who are ready to regain control of their bodies, minds and lives.

Featured in the Media

Amelia Phillips
Nutritionist & Exercise Scientist
(BHSc, MNut)
Dr Jasmina Dedic-Hagan
Specialist GP, Functional Medicine
(BSc, PhD, MBBS)

Over 8 weeks, Dr. Jasmina and I will show you how to use insights from the latest biomarker technology to inform your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle so you can take control of your health.


The Inflammation Solution Ebook

Discover the Science and Strategies for a Healthier Low Inflammation Life


The Cortisol Connection

Discover the science and strategies to reducing stress for weight management success


Unlock Your Energy!

Discover which of the five Energy Thieves
are holding you back

Latest Recipes

Rhubarb Coconut Muffin

Rhubarb Coconut Muffin

Rhubarb Coconut Muffins These Rhubarb coconut muffins are easy to make and perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a snack on the go. Serve these muffins warm with a pat of butter or a drizzle of honey for a delicious and satisfying treat. 170 g rhubarb, cut into 2cm...

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Lamb Cutlets Pomegranate Cous Cous

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Seafood Stew

Seafood Stew Looking for a delicious and hearty seafood dish that's is warming and nourishing? Try this Seafood Stew! It's high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy and satisfying meal that's perfect for anyone looking for a nutritious and...

Connect with Amelia

I can so relate to this.... A workout fixes ALL problems (at least until the endorphins wear off). Anybody else? 🤣🙋🏼‍♀️


Looking for practical tips for living a longer, healthier life?📚✨Dr. Jasmina and I had a chat about it and here’s our top book recommendations:

1. Outlive by Peter Attia
2. So You Want to Live Younger Longer by Dr. Norman Swan

If you’re anything like us, and enjoy the content on this page, and looking for more in depth knowledge on how to increase your healthspan, you’d love either of these books (why not both?!)

What are you favourite books about healthspan? I’d love to hear yours in the comments below! 👇🏼😍

Just Dropped 👀 New poddy episode with @lukee.williamson and @t.williamson_ breaking down their experiences, goals, customised programs and results on the TV show, “Do You Want to Live Forever”.

💪🏼 Taylor wound back her biological clock by 7 years; lost 40% of her visceral fat (highest of the group!), and a total of 8kg! Resting heart rate dropped from 74bpm to 68bpm (showing improved heart health).

💪🏼 Luke wound his biological clock back by 4 years; normalised his cholesterol levels and blood pressure, plus lost 6% body fat and gained 5kg of muscle!

Tune into this week’s episode to hear how they did it!

Search “Healthy Her” 🎙 on Apple or Spotify to take a listen.

What causes low energy?

While many of us attribute low energy to age, stress, and lack of sleep, there`s often more happening beneath the surface.

Factors like insulin levels, HbA1c, B12, total protein, magnesium, vitamin D, TSH, T4, T3, ferritin (iron) and transferrin saturation play crucial roles in our energy and overall vitality.

Optimal levels include:
Insulin < 7
Hba1c <5.7
B12 above 300 pg/mL.
Protein: 75 g/L
Magnesium: 1.0 mmol/L
Iron: 13-30umol/L
Ferritin: 30-400 ug/mL
Transferrin Saturation: 20-30%
TSH: <2
T4:T3 - 3:1 Ratio

If you`ve been struggling with low energy levels and haven`t been able to get to the root of it on your own, I`d highly suggest testing your biomarkers as a baseline for where your body is at.

Unsure where to start, or how to do this?

Inner Vitality, my 8 week program will measure 50 of the key biomarkers (including the above) and give you everything you need to get tested, what the optimal levels are, and what protocol to follow to restore balance. We kick off on Aug 5.

Tap the link in my bio for more information or comment: Inner Vitality and I`ll send you a DM with more info. 💖

Top micronutrient deficiencies that drive low energy levels:

- Vitamin D: Essential for energy and immune function. Many people, especially those with limited sun exposure, are deficient. I recommend Liposomal Vitamin D3 BioCeuticals spray for optimal absorption. Plus include foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and grass fed dairy in your diet.

- Iron: Perimenopausal women tend to have very heavy periods, causing them to lose much more iron than usual. Iron is crucial for oxygen transport in the blood, impacting energy levels. Top food sources include lean red meat, spinach, lentils, and quinoa.

- B12: As we age, our ability to absorb B12 declines, leading to fatigue and neurological issues. B12 is vital for red blood cell formation and energy production. Designs for Health B12 spray is a great option. Incorporate foods like beef, salmon, fortified cereals, and dairy products for a natural boost.

- Magnesium: The most common deficiency that we often overlook. Magnesium is required for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including the absorption of other minerals. It’s crucial for energy production, muscle function, and overall vitality. I recommend Metagenics CalmX for supplementation. Plus add more leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains to your meals for a natural source.

Prioritizing these nutrients can make a significant difference in your energy levels and overall well-being, and if you`re unsure about where your levels are at or how much to supplement... Get your levels tested! 💖 DM me for more info on how. 🙏🏼


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