Which Fish Is Best for You and the Environment?

Which Fish Is Best for You and the Environment?

Eating fish is good for you. But when Jeremy Piven (Ari from Entourage) suddenly left his broadway show due to high mercury levels from fish, questions have been raised about which fish are best to eat. In my recent article on the best meats to eat, white fish came in...
6 Healthy Foods to Try

6 Healthy Foods to Try

Editors Note: This post is written by weight loss expert (and former couch potato) Meg McFarlane. Meg has experienced the weight loss journey first hand and has chronicled this in her blog, Spud On The Run. She has a Bachelor of Science from Sydney University is...
Diet vs Exercise Ratio: is it still 80:20?

Diet vs Exercise Ratio: is it still 80:20?

A new study from Stanford University of Medicine has challenged the age old formula of 80 per cent diet and 20 per cent exercise for fitness enthusiasts. This study is reiterating the importance of focusing on changing exercise and diet routines at the same time, in...

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