The Guilt Of Rest Day

The Guilt Of Rest Day

Ever had that day when you’re smashing fitness goals for the week and you wake up sore, but with questioning yourself, “how can I possibly take a day off training?” Well, the first question I have for you is, did this happen overnight? Did you feel sore, tired...
Emerging Fitness Trends

Emerging Fitness Trends

Out with the old and in with the new, is what they say. We’re two months into the new year, and we’re all somewhat staying on top of those fitness goals set for the year. Apart from the usual running, circuit training sessions and Les Mills classes, there...
Recipe: All Natural Banana Bread

Recipe: All Natural Banana Bread

Banana bread is a very naughty food, I’m not going to lie. It’s one of those take-away wonders that you can easily pick up with your morning cuppa and inhale within seconds. It’s full of sugar, high G.I. carbohydrates and very little nutritional...

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